clothes I wished to wear. The only restriction being that we all felt it best that none of the children theirs or ours be present.
Now I visit them 3 or 4 times a month in feminine attire. I do not change character during these visits. Although I wear the clothes of a girl they still cannot accept me except as a male person. They find it impos- sible to call me by a feminine name or to pretend with me that I am a girl. However, the sight of me dressed. as a girl does not repulse them at all. Though both cou- ples know of my desire and have seen me so dressed, I have not had them both with me at the same time. This way I am able to study their reactions separately and have found that both couples have the same conseration of me.
They differ in their thought of how I should cope with the problem, however. One couple does not think I should let my secret go any further. They do not share my enthusiasm in wanting to be a part of those sending information about themselves to TRANSVESTIA or doing any- thing else to publicize my problem. They are looking for some way to have me cured. The other couple feels that I should decide for myself what I think is best for me and whatever I do is allright with them. I have attended dances (costume), movie theaters and restaurants with them while I was dressed up. Appearing in public with another couple I feel more at ease, as a group draws less attention than a single person. The husband of this cou- ple is talled than I am too, so this helps me hide my height. I never wear heels in public as I am tall.
We have Halloween dances each year that give me a chance to wear girl's clothes and we also have another annual dance where husband and wife exchange clothes for the evening. These dances are the biggest things of my life. My ambition is to attend those in Chicago and N.Y.